
Gol Finance Vaults enable higher yields and save userโ€™s time through an automated compounding mechanism and integration of different farming strategies into one simple UI.

The GolFinance team hopes to be able to continuously bring best-in-class automated strategies for users at minimal and reasonable costs. Each vault might employ the use of different strategies, many of which use our proprietary dynamic optimised auto-compounding strategy.

To start using the Vaults, users need to deposit tokens or LP tokens. When users deposit into a vault, this deposit will grow over time and users will also receive $GOL Token rewards as an additional incentive for using the protocol. To grow users deposits, GolVaults will automatically deposit on existing dApps while compounding on a daily basis to maximize users profits.

Our tokenomics and fees are designed to encourage longer term staking, and reward long term holders of our $GOL native tokens.

Last updated